Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mosaic Research/Due!

10 Images that will inform your work.
Remember no TRITE IMAGES! (If you were absent Wednesday, please ask to see the presentation.!)

Add researched images to your blog site. (Make sure url's are included for images)
If you have questions please ask!

Grading Requirements are posted in the room:

1st grade- 10 images that will be used to make your lay-out. Remember, it is not o.k. to use other artists work. You must design your own images! Plagarism is not allowed! Stay away from TRITE images as per the presentation last week. Please e-mail me, when you have the images uploaded with the url sites attached.

2nd grade- Lay-out and design grade. Using the images you have printed out design your lay-out paying particular attention to the positive and negative space. Get an overhead transparency, move images around in order to design your space. Make sure that you let me see you working on your lay-out and design so I can give you a grade.

3r grade- Using the grid system in order to enlarge a design from small to large. Divide your window length and width by 3 and cut a piece of paper on the paper cutter. Break the small paper into 16 sections. Do the same with the large paper. Use the grid to enlarge the design you have created. After you have enlarged your design, use watercolors so you can see how the colors you have chosen will look in glass

Fill in your design with cut glass. Let the adhesive dry and then grout!

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