Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcome 2nd Semester Mixed Media Students!

We are going to begin the semester looking at space and how it is used to convey idea and meaning.

We will work in the studio on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
On WEDNESDAYS we will work on blogs or have the mobile computer lab in the room.
We will spend a lot of time looking at other artists work from around the world. We will look at how our enviroment and culture influences the work we make.

Our first exercise will involve creating a strong focal point. We will experiment with a variety of media (fabric, wool, paper, wallpaper, plastic, wax, and found objects)

Our next exercise will explore the variety of ways in which we can transfer images onto a variety of surfaces.

Then we will expore the elements of composition. We will use wax as a medium and combine what you have learned from the previous exercises in order to create a quality composition.

Then we will move onto bookbinding- you will get to choose the medium you most enjoyed as your emphasis.

After bookbinding we are going to move into the anatomy of the facial structure. We will explore this in clay- but we will also combine what you have learned about wax, fabric, compostion, image transfer, etc... into our compositions.

We will have to see how quickly we move through these projects- I have quite a few other projects planned- mixed media mosaic on found objects with embroidery, found object jewelry with cold connections, etc...

Welcome to Mixed Media- it is a lot of fun!

Lisa Rogers

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mosaic Completion!

Target due date: November 16th , Monday!

-Glass grouted
-Frame Sanded and painted
-Hooks for hanging

Pick up calligraphy packets!
5 packages total

Turn in images of cultural icons
Get your picture taken!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mosaic Deadline: Nov 6th!

Mosaic Due: November 6th (Friday)
Make sure you review the criteria sheet before turning in your project.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What is a Cultural Icon?

A very difficult term to define, at best.
A cultural icon is an object, place, person or symbol that many members of a culture or sub-culture recognize as important to them in some way. A cultural icon is usually something that the members of a group view positively.
Other definitions might include:
A thing becomes a cultural icon when it arouses strong feelings in a member of a culture because of the fact that it is a shared cultural experience; specifically, stronger feelings than it would cause without this shared cultural experience.
A thing is a cultural icon if it has been a part of a culture for long enough that traditions and/or folklore to spring up around it.
Something that everybody in a culture knows about or is familiar with. (See Cultural Literacy).
Common examples are Uncle Sam, The Statue of Liberty, and The Liberty Bell in America. The Royal Family, The Tower of London, and Stonehenge are examples of cultural icons in England (perhaps not the best; /msg me if you have better suggestions).
Any number of things have been called cultural icons at one time or another; noteworthy are the inordinate numbers of people, cartoon characters, bands, and imaginary characters that have been called cultural icons. I am somewhat wary of calling Britney Spears or Homer Simpson cultural icons, although a case could be made for Elvis Presley or Mickey Mouse. If you find yourself referring to humans and human-like creatures as cultural icons, you might want to consider using the terms 'star' or 'role model' instead.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Due Thursday:

1. Blog printed out with images and urls
2. Grid completed (Everyone should be gluing glass!)

For next quarter:

-Make sure to take pictures of your work in progress.
-Write reflections
-Explain the process

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mosaic Research/Due!

10 Images that will inform your work.
Remember no TRITE IMAGES! (If you were absent Wednesday, please ask to see the presentation.!)

Add researched images to your blog site. (Make sure url's are included for images)
If you have questions please ask!

Grading Requirements are posted in the room:

1st grade- 10 images that will be used to make your lay-out. Remember, it is not o.k. to use other artists work. You must design your own images! Plagarism is not allowed! Stay away from TRITE images as per the presentation last week. Please e-mail me, when you have the images uploaded with the url sites attached.

2nd grade- Lay-out and design grade. Using the images you have printed out design your lay-out paying particular attention to the positive and negative space. Get an overhead transparency, move images around in order to design your space. Make sure that you let me see you working on your lay-out and design so I can give you a grade.

3r grade- Using the grid system in order to enlarge a design from small to large. Divide your window length and width by 3 and cut a piece of paper on the paper cutter. Break the small paper into 16 sections. Do the same with the large paper. Use the grid to enlarge the design you have created. After you have enlarged your design, use watercolors so you can see how the colors you have chosen will look in glass

Fill in your design with cut glass. Let the adhesive dry and then grout!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Abstract and Non-Objective

Images for stained glass window due Tuesday

Remember that all images must be original. It is not o.k. to use other artists images. Cameras are available for check out. Make sure you love, love, love the image. You are going to have to cut up a lot of glass! You are going to be committed to the image you chose. Check out this site:
Remember that you are welcome to use furniture, discarded items, tables, coffee tables, etc... I have windows available, but you are welcome to bring items in to mosaic.

Gallery of Images! Trash is a failure of the Imagination!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go to
Your url should read in this format - THS MIXED MEDIA, then your name
Make sure that you e-mail me the link:


Task: To use discarded items in order to create a piece of sculpture.

Explain the assignment-

1. Looked at artists who used trash or recycled items in order to create a 3-d sculpture
2. Research on the web
3. Practiced using cold connections to put pieces together
4. Planned out idea
5. Executed idea

Explain your idea- Please use complete sentence, and check your spelling.

Media Used: ( recycled gift cards, water bottles, playing cards, etc…)

List the url sites you researched and include them as links

Get image off the P drive and include image of work in progress and your finished piece.
Reflect on your finished piece.
Send Lisa your blog address
Print out your blog- give it to Lisa for your final grade on this project.
If you have questions, please ask before the assignment is due!!!

(Make sure you have taken a professional looking image of your finished piece!!!!)
See me if you have questions!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trash is a failure of the imagination/ Final Piece DUE!

Final Piece /Due Friday!!!
Research must be attached to assignment sheet (Images/ with url's)
Photograph final piece
Make sure research sheet is filled out completely

We will start blogs/computer lab next week
Make sure to send me the link to your blog

Photographs of images for stained glass will be due soon/Start taking pictures as soon as possible!

As always, ask questions before the deadline!

Lisa Rogers

Sunday, August 16, 2009

George Hart

toothbrushes Forks

cd's pencils

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Aaron Kramer/Urban Objects

Coffee Stirrer Lamp

Aaron Kramer
Urban Objects

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Junk Sculpture Ideas!

Think about a variety of media!!
(fur, tin, sponges, tires??????????????)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trash Art Sculpture

We will be looking at a variety of artists from around the world who use discarded items in order to create sculpture. You will create a piece of sculpture from discarded items.

Just to help you get started thinking:
-water bottles
-styrofoam cups
-plastic bags
-hair ( ask a hair salon to save it for you!!!)
-goggles (old ones)
-vinyl records
-What else can you think of!!!!!!!

Tile Mosaic Project

Each of you will receive a window from an old house. You are to choose an image and scan it into photoshop and alter it. I would prefer that you use an image that you have taken, instead of one you find.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009