Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog update writing prompts!

Updating your blog!
Reflection (Use spellcheck, and capitalize your I's)

Title of Piece:
Explanation of Concept: How does the head, face mask and animal mask, work together to create a whole? Is there a theme or idea conveyed?
How did you create unity in your piece through the choice of media you used?
What new techniques did you learn while creating this project?
How did your idea evolve or change while you were working?
How effectively do you feel you conveyed your idea or theme to the viewer? Does your piece communicate an idea without words?
Does your title help the viewer understand your piece better? How? Why?
If you had this piece to do over again what would you change? Why? How?

Concept 12
Craftsmanship 4
Animal Mask 4
Progress grade 4

See rubric in class for more explanation!

Remember you need to list 10 social issues that you would like to explore as a theme for your next project!

Clean out your desk, and put on new paper!

Conceptual Mixed Media Piece 4/22 2011

The last day to work on your Conceptual Mixed Media Piece is 4/22 Friday.
We will be starting on a new project on Monday! You will not have anymore studio time to work on the tape, mask, head, project!

Make sure you photograph all of your references.
Fill out the sheet that was handed out in class.
Photograph your work in the cube with appropriate lighting.
Update your blog!