Sunday, September 19, 2010

Self-Portrait/Stencil Design

The Process-

1. Check out video (Paper Monster) Look at the work. This artist will inform and inspire our

2. Design 3 symbols that tell something about you. Remember, it is not o.k. to copy other artists
work. For example, if you like basketball, it is not o.k. to copy Nikes basketball ad. You could
instead, bring in an image of you playing basketball and turn it into a stencil. It is also, o.k. to
turn random action images into silhouettes. When you have chosen 3 images and turned
them into silhouettes turn them in to be graded.

3. Practice creating a pattern for the background of your piece on paper. Turn in your practice
sheet using pattern.

4. Photoshop your image on the computer and turn it into a stencil. Print out image as large as
you can (8.5 x 11) Turn the image into an overhead transparency.

5. Put an Acrylic wash on your board. Apply your pattern. Check in for a grade. (Show
me the pattern that you applied to the board)

6. Enlarge your self portrait stencil and cut out.

7. Apply self portrait image to your piece. Sign your piece in the lower right hand corner. You
are done!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Art and Meaning

To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling- this is the activity of art. --Tolstoy

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Conveying Meaning!

1. Use 11x17 discarded poster as background
2. Sew another piece on top.
3. Begin breaking up the space by adding a variety of media.
4. Add an image transfer
5. Look at your image and start to develop an idea about what you would like to communicate.
6. Start thinking about where your focal point will be?
7. Get away from your work while you are working, it will help you see things more clearly!