Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Composition and Collage


1. Watercolor/ 3 envelopes- Remember to use more water than pigment. We are making
washes. Use complementary colors in order to create contrast.

2. Cut each envelope into 3 equal sections using the papercutter.

3. Label the back of each envelope. Each squares emphasis should be one of the elements of composition which is listed on the board in the front of the room.

4. Tape each square to a piece of paper and turn in.

5. After grading, remove the squares.

6. We will now use the squares to create one large composition using a variety of media that uses all of the elements of composition.

7. Sew magazine cover to the paper that has been provided.

8. Dry brush acylics onto the piece.

9. Stay tuned! Let's get all of this done! I will post more later!