Saturday, February 13, 2010

Check out this artist!

Stencil art/graffiti continues to evolve as a means of expressing messages throughout the world whether they be political, emotional, or spiritual. PaperMonster's work as a stencil graffiti artist and designer explores the beauty behind eyes and emotions conveyed through the facial expressions of women. His artwork can be found on surfaces such as wood, plastic/plexi, canvas and any other flat surface imaginable. PaperMonster incorporates both stencil and pasting collage techniques to create one of a kind pieces of art. Each piece brings together cultural fragments consisting of anything from Asian typography to original paper currency from countries throughout the world.The sheer amount of paper that he consumes in his collage and stencil cutting truly demonstrates the meaning behind the name "PaperMonster." Since each piece involves an unique and delicate composition of paper, vibrant color, and stencils; no single piece is identical. PaperMonster has been featured in several magazines and exhibitions throughout the world such as Stolen Space Gallery (London) and Rokon Magazine (Seoul, Korea). PaperMonster consistently has exciting and new projects that truly demonstrate his capabilities as an artist. He is featured in Stencil Nation, by Russell Howze and has upcoming exhibitions for, Art Whino, Crybaby Art Gallery, Melbourne Stencil Festival (08), Stencil Nation Tour, International Poster Festival (Italy), 400ml Project (France) and Metropolis Gallery.Websites: http://www.papermonster.org
WebsitesPaperMonster Blog PaperMonster's MySpace PaperMonster.Org