Sunday, September 13, 2009

Abstract and Non-Objective

Images for stained glass window due Tuesday

Remember that all images must be original. It is not o.k. to use other artists images. Cameras are available for check out. Make sure you love, love, love the image. You are going to have to cut up a lot of glass! You are going to be committed to the image you chose. Check out this site:
Remember that you are welcome to use furniture, discarded items, tables, coffee tables, etc... I have windows available, but you are welcome to bring items in to mosaic.

Gallery of Images! Trash is a failure of the Imagination!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Go to
Your url should read in this format - THS MIXED MEDIA, then your name
Make sure that you e-mail me the link:


Task: To use discarded items in order to create a piece of sculpture.

Explain the assignment-

1. Looked at artists who used trash or recycled items in order to create a 3-d sculpture
2. Research on the web
3. Practiced using cold connections to put pieces together
4. Planned out idea
5. Executed idea

Explain your idea- Please use complete sentence, and check your spelling.

Media Used: ( recycled gift cards, water bottles, playing cards, etc…)

List the url sites you researched and include them as links

Get image off the P drive and include image of work in progress and your finished piece.
Reflect on your finished piece.
Send Lisa your blog address
Print out your blog- give it to Lisa for your final grade on this project.
If you have questions, please ask before the assignment is due!!!

(Make sure you have taken a professional looking image of your finished piece!!!!)
See me if you have questions!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Trash is a failure of the imagination/ Final Piece DUE!

Final Piece /Due Friday!!!
Research must be attached to assignment sheet (Images/ with url's)
Photograph final piece
Make sure research sheet is filled out completely

We will start blogs/computer lab next week
Make sure to send me the link to your blog

Photographs of images for stained glass will be due soon/Start taking pictures as soon as possible!

As always, ask questions before the deadline!

Lisa Rogers