Monday, April 16, 2012

Stencil/vinyl record

Make sure to check out the links!  (Click on images on the right side of the blog!)

Collage due 4/17/2012

Collage is due Tuesday!
Make sure that you have created a FOCAL POINT!
-Good use of both positive and negative space
-Attention to detail/Craftsmanship
-Tell a story: Draw the viewer in!
You can not talk me through your piece, the image must do this!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Artists to look at? Collage

Collage and Composition/Space Management/Telling Stories

Begin by pulling 75 pages from magazines and books in the room.
Pull out any page that catches your eye.
(Remember what we notice and take note of, influences our work)
Begin cutting out images notice any stories that begin coming to mind.

Get a lay-out board.
Prepare your background with surface (See board in class)
Start lay-out

Remember to
1.  Think about what your focal point will be.  (How is a focal point created in a composition?)
2.  Start thinking about an idea or message.
3.  Look at 5 collage artists work that you like.  Remember to reflect and take notes in your developmental journals as you work.
4.  Incorporate all elements of composition in your work.  Good use of positive and negative space, variety of directions, variety of sizes, let items go off page.  See posters on board in class for more information.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Recycled Books/Bookbinding

Student Work/Upcycling 2012
Ricardo/Cassette Tapes

Jeannette/Scrabble chalkboard

Rita/I-pod case

Pocky Sticks

Beatrice/Cigar Box

Ryan/Melted Shopping Bags
Images from Internet for inspiration

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lino Cut Image and Word Connect

We will use what we learned about our learner profile strengths to create an image for a Lino cut. Your developmental workbook will document your work this semester.